Life is impermanent. This phrase is best used to describe our DDYS Fun Cycling Event on 30th Aug 2009 at East Coast Park. It was a sunny morning when we arrived at a pavilion before a downpour came to challenge our activity.
At 8:30a.m., 13 of us, 11 DDS members and 2 SIM Buddhist Society members (Charlie and Andrew) gathered at a pavilion in front of a bicycle rental shop, near Burger King. After taking the attendance and collecting the fees, we began our day with ‘Ba Shi Dong Chan’. Brother Shouyuan has kindly led the meditation for us. Charlie and Andrew were smart to pick up the styles fast.
Right after the 30-minute meditation, it was a rough briefing by Guan Hai to cyclists prior to cycling. Unfortunately, our enthusiasm is dampened by a sudden downpour. Trapped within the pavilion, we had to execute our contingency plans: a series of indoor games. First, we had the “Baby, Student, Boddhisatva and The Enlightened One” guessing game. It was a silly but interesting game. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves so much. The remaining losers were asked to recite “The 10 Buddha’s Commandments”. As for the second game, we had “How Long Can You Stand” game.
It was a friendly match between male and female teams, as physical contact is unavoidable. Again, everyone seems to crack their brains to find ways to stand within the decreasing area, trying hard to pass each round. After that, we had “Tuo Shui Bo” as our final game. Due to limited space, we could not have many obstacles along the path for participants with bowlful of water. The most exciting part was the limbo rock under the ‘pole’. Charlie was the limelight when he tried 2 bowls, rocking his way under the pole!
All of us had a short break, enjoying the nuts and brown rice snacks with rice milk brought by Kee Yew. Around 11a.m., it was a time for sharing feedbacks. The feedbacks given were heartfelt and earnest. One suggestion was to have the cycling event at night instead of the morning as it was a challenge for most people to wake up early in the morning during weekend. Generally members are enjoying the indoor games despite the heavy rain. In fact, Andrew and Charlie have signed up to become our DDYS members. We also took the opportunity to publicize our coming Movie Marathon event, as well as T.H.I.S. Buddhist Film Festival 2009’ event, by Dharma in Action. We have decided to go for the movie “Sankara” on 17th September 2009.
As the weather turned better, we wanted to resume the cycling. Guan Hai led the group to rent bicycles. However it was a great test to our patience when another sudden downpour came. We had no choice but to stay within the pavilion again. This time, instead of games, we had a healthy vegetarian lunch, ordered by Huiwei and delivered by Kwang Soon. We chatted, and challenged ourselves with a number of silly but interesting games, such as Number guessing and This is Aaa Game, spearheaded by Andrew. These games taught us not to be deceived by forms and appearances. A bit like Buddhist teachings, aren’t they?
The day ended around 1p.m. with a group photo. Niansi and Peiyi were kind to be our video and camera women for the day. Although the sky was not cooperative enough, everyone seems to enjoy themselves with the indoor activities. We would like to thank everyone for their time and effort to make the activity a successful one.
See more photos And to See the video of this activity and appreciate the fun of it, check it out @ here